The Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition is out, and Paulus Schoutsen, the founder of Home Assistant, joins us to get into the details.
A few tools to build your own Way Back Machine, we check in with the "Year of Voice" and more.
Recent AWS outages sent Alex on a hunt to find more self-hosted alternatives, and Chris digs into the latest Home Assistant release.
Join us for a chat with Paulus, the founder of Home Assistant, as we look to the project's future, hardware devices, new standards, and more.
Special guest Jeff Geerling tells us how he got 16 drives connected to one Pi.
Chris discovers a networking miracle, Alex has been playing with electrics, and we review the Wyze Cam 3.
Home Assistant has changed our families' lives for the better. We share tips for getting started, implementing automation, devices we use, and our favorite integrations.