We look back at what has changed, what's failed us, and what's sticking around in our homelabs.
This week, our embarrassment is your entertainment. Then, we check the age and health of all our disks with one app.
PipeWire hits 1.0, and Wim Taymans joins us to reflect on the smooth success of PipeWire. Plus the details on the first NixCon North America, and more.
A special guest joins us, and we each give Fedora 39 a try. What’s new, what we liked, and what didn’t make the cut!
After nearly half a year of woe, Brent is ready to give Linux the go. Join us as we compare and contrast two Linux distros and end up with one going on Brent's machine.
Alex shocks Chris with his latest project, then lays down some quick-fire picks.
You're not a true self-hoster until you've lost your entire configuration at least once. Alex does a deep dive into cloud backup, plus we need your help to find the right Wifi solution for a listener.
How far can you get with a Raspberry Pi 4? We go all in and find out.