12: Don't Clip and Drive
16 September 2022
Brent recounts a harrowing near miss on his road trip to the studio, and a surprise outage leaves Chris scrambling after launching the website.
Episode Links
- Introducing SATurn: Value for Value podcast analytics — Users of the Alby podcaster wallet can connect their account to SATurn to receive valuable insights into the performance of their podcasts and read all messages from their audience sent by Value for Value enabled podcast players.
- 🚨 ⚠️ Matrix Federation Broken due to missing .well-known dirctory and contents. JB chat down 🚨 ⚠️ · Issue #381 — Seems we broke Matrix federation when we switched over to the new site. Lurking in the file depths of our old site was a file and folder structure that verified our server to the Matrix federation.
- [“JB is live!” indicator - on page load, call the script to highlight the #livebutton red if jupiter.tube is live. by DECbot · Pull Request #378 ](https://github.com/JupiterBroadcasting/jupiterbroadcasting.com/pull/378 ““JB is live!” indicator - on page load, call the script to highlight the #livebutton red if jupiter.tube is live. by DECbot · Pull Request #378 “) — Adding ‘id’ attribute to the live button in nav bar for dynamically setting background color when JB is live.
- Add basic Issue and PR Templates by CGBassPlayer · Pull Request #410 — Adds issue templates to help users create issues.
- Podverse.fm — Podverse is a FOSS podcast manager for iOS, Android, F-Droid, and web.