An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.
We break down what has Linus so upset, and the Internet in an NSA induced fever. Plus GOG makes a public statement about Linux that has us scratching our heads, and your feedback.
We crunch the Steam and Ubuntu Software Center numbers and we have to ask: Are Linux users cheap? Or is the answer more complex than that?
After rebuilding his KDE desktop better and stronger than before, Chris and Matt dig into what really seems to be troubling the Gnome project, what really makes a desktop easy to use, and if the Ubuntu Edge campaign was a sophisticated PR stunt.
As the final hours countdown we chat about the fate of the Ubuntu Edge camping and debate with our live callers about the bigger picture. Plus our thoughts on the new KDE release, Steam, and a few more thoughts on elementary OS.
Does the Linux community lean on the age old excuse of choice, to brush of the real limitations of desktop Linux environments? We debate that, and then discuss the growing reasons to roll your own email server.