An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.
We question the very nature of Linux development, and debate if a new approach is needed.
The difficult and fascinating conversations from FOSDEM 2020. Plus how elementary OS does coopertition right.
We get into the Linux Mint mindset after years away and share our take on Cinnamon's many improvements.
How did we get from shareware to free software? We jump in the Linux powered time machine and revisit software past.
We make an appeal to keep Linux powerful and avoid the Macification of the desktop, and review the latest developer-focused XPS 13.
Linus Torvalds says don't use ZFS, but we think he got a few of the facts wrong. Jim Salter joins us to help us explain what Linus got right, and what he got wrong.
Find out what's happening in 2020 before it happens. Our crew returns from the future with predictions so perfect you could bet some Dogecoin on it.
We review our predictions and own up to what we got wrong, and what we got right in 2019.
Open source won the last decade, but what if it hadn’t? We look back at some major milestones and reflect on a world where they never existed.
Big things are coming to Microsoft's WSL so we get the inside scoop on what's just around the corner.
We're myth-busting this week as we take a perfectly functioning production server and switch it to Arch. Is this rolling distro too dangerous to run in production, or can the right approach unlock the perfect server? We try it so you don't have to.
Give the gift of remote support with our neat SSH trick. Also, Cassidy from elementary OS joins us to discuss what's great about their new release.