21: Brunch with Brent: Angela Fisher
9 October 2019
Brent sits down with Angela Fisher, Executive Producer at Linux Academy, Jupiter Broadcasting co-founder, co-host of many JB productions including The FauxShow, and Tech Talk Today, among others.
Episode Links
- Everett Art Rocks Public Group
- #adfrocks on Instagram
- Al-Anon Family Groups - Help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics
- Jupiter Broadcasting Summer Sprint 2019
- LinuxFest Northwest
- Brunch with Brent: A Chat with Chz Bacon
- FauxShow - Archive
- Tech Talk Today - Archive
- The Friday Stream - Archive
- Brunch with Brent: A Chat with Wes Payne
- Jupiter Broadcasting Extras
- eero Home Wifi Systems
- Jupiter Broadcasting Telegram Group