A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and related technologies.
We both fall for a new fancy keyboard; then we get philosophical about free software's never-ending quest to conquer mobile.
After Chris gets a reality check from Mike, the guys answer some emails and admit a cold hard truth.
Chris struggles with his nature, while Mike shares some sage developer advice that everyone should hear before using a platform like AWS.
From adventures in learning, a recipe for great collaborations, to creativity and problem-solving in tech. It's a deep dive chat with Wes Payne.
Mike has a few stories to share, but more importantly a very hard lesson he's going to make damn sure you learn.
Our thoughts on the hardware Apple announced this week, and if any of it is suitable for professional workloads.
We visit an alternate reality where Epic wins in their fight against Apple, COBOL reigns supreme, and the halls of great Jedi Temple are lined with Object-C developers.
After a decade long fight, no one feels like a winner.
Ruby has gone off the rails this week, and Wes is here to explain whatโs happened.
Some sage developer wisdom is overshadowed by Mike's mad stonk game, while Chris worries Apple's secret M1 tricks charming Linux users.
Mike goes straight for the attack and hits Chris where it hurts, then it's problem-solving time.
Mike reveals his secret project to Chris, who has several probing questions.