Home to the best shows on Linux, Open Source, Security, Privacy, Community, Development, and News.
We blow the lid off a secret project and get LIT.
A lot happened in the free desktop world this week, we cover the impressive releases, changes, and surprises.
The shiny userbase flocking to WebAssembly, our thoughts on the "openAI scam", and why they just keep cramming stuff into Docker containers.
Are the free software alternatives good enough? The conclusion to our 60-day challenge to drop Google, Apple, and the iPhone.
Join us for the surprising conclusion to our month-long challenge.
An Ubuntu expiration date approaches, openSUSE has a new handy solution, and the container security issue that remains unfixed.
How the world without "big tech" might look like, the EU promises to go after Elon and a much-needed head adjustment.
Today we are finally taking on a project months in the making, and we're switching to an entirely new generation of Linux tech in the process.
If you've noticed something a little off about your favorite podcasts, we might know why.