Home to the best shows on Linux, Open Source, Security, Privacy, Community, Development, and News.
Mike and Wes debate the merits and aesthetics of Clojure in this week's rowdy language check-in.
Fedora CoreOS is introduced and its future looks bright, VLC's president debunks security claims, Mozilla debuts an open-source router firmware and the Android flaw that might be our favorite in years.
Keynote presenter from Texas LinuxFest and established industry expert Thomas Cameron joins us to discuss the end of the distro wars, the future of Linux jobs, his personal take on IBM's acquisition of Red Hat, some really great Linux job tips, and much more.
Mike rekindles his youthful love affair with Emacs and we debate what makes a "10x engineer".
We're pleasantly surprised by a new Linux distro, EvilGnome malware spies on Gnome Shell users, and more good news for MacBook Linux users.
What’s surprised us, what we got wrong, right, and what the biggest game changers have been in 2019 so far.
It’s a Coder Radio special as Mike and Wes dive into functional programming in the real world and share their tips for applying FP techniques in any language.
Another project breach raises significant questions, Fedora considers dropping Snaps in Gnome Software, and has the ISPA let Mozilla off the hook?
Open Source has taken over the world, as IBM's purchase of Red Hat closes. We reflect on this historic moment.